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National Consortium of Academic Nurse Educators, Inc.

NC-ANE Research Processes

Welcome to the Research Committee of NC-ANE

The role of the Research Committee (RC) is to support member research efforts that focus on promoting the mission and vision of NC-ANE. We strive to support research by facilitating member and organizational collaboration, assisting with grant applications, disseminating research findings, and providing guidance throughout the research process.

The research committee meets quarterly in March, June, September, and December

You are able to submit a proposal for a research project by completing the Research Proposal Form. Research topics will be reviewed at each quarterly meeting and PIs will be notified of the RC decision. NC-ANE supported research will be shared with members through the website and monthly member newsletter.

The research committee will base decisions on the following items:

  • Does the research support and promote NC-ANE’s mission and vision
  • Is there a clearly defined research question/hypothesis
  • Is the research method well thought out and appropriate
  • IRB progress

If you are interested in joining a research project, please complete the Research Interest Form to identify your areas of interest and research expertise. By filling out this information you grant the RC permission to reach out to you regarding research projects that match your interests.

Ongoing research- If you are a PI on a current NC-ANE supported research project please provide a monthly update on your work by completing the PI Research Updates Form.

Strengthening academic nurse educators to elevate their status relative to equitable workload, compensation, benefits, recognition of teaching, scholarship, and service.

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National Consortium of Academic Nurse Educators, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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